About Karmik Therapies

Our idea of creating science-based Wellness programs came after months of ranting about how hard it was to find the best information and protocols on health and fitness shifting through a minefield of rubbish on social media. Having tried and failed at many ‘new’ or latest diet or health fads and getting nowhere…we nearly gave up; I mean we almost ditched the dream we could get healthier and feel better on the other side of 50.  It was then that we decided to focus on the latest science on effective methods of improving people’s health, and here we are today...

With our own individual unique set of skills and experience, we come together at Karmik Therapies to bring you programs that work. Our methods are proven both in the research and in our own lived experiences.

Dr Olivia Kamran

I am a registered clinical psychologist with training and experience in treating anxiety, depression, eating disorders, chronic pain and any other conditions that inevitably impact on optimal health and wellbeing. I have over 18 years of clinical experience working in private practice and have helped many children, teenagers, adults and families build coping and resiliency skills. I have held the position of Senior Psychologist/Lecturer at the University of the Sunshine Coast, published several research articles in the field of child anxiety. I have  presented at conferences and hosted workshops and seminars on a range of topics including mindset, stress management, health and well-being on the Sunshine Coast and Interstate.

My life, like many, has been fought with ups and downs and I have travelled my own journey through chronic illness through which I learnt some invaluable life lessons along the way. I believe in authenticity; I walk my talk 100%. I am an ambassador and advocate of healthy holistic living, which I consider involves a positive mindset, regular activity, finding joy in life, laughing, healthy nutrition and optimal rest and relaxation.

In Karmik Therapies, I am devoted to helping individuals achieve optimal mental and physical health, wellbeing, and happiness in life. I hold a strong commitment to providing a service to humanity and helping others reach their potential.

  • PhD Clinical Psychology, ACPA, 

  • Clinical Psychologist

  • Health, Fitness and Wellbeing Coach

  • Mindfulness Practitioner

  • Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner

  • Qigong Instructor

  • NLP Practitioner and Life Coach

Jaine Konarik

Helping others in their health journey continues to be a joy an honour and one of the most fulfilling parts of my life. Learning about the body, how we move and the link between mind and body is fascinating and so rewarding. I love being a part of those light bulb moments when clients experience change and improvements.

Looking for a solution to further help my clients with restrictions and limitations in movement, I pursued my interest in Qigong and became a qualified Practitioner in 2023. As a whole body wellness practice, Qigong enables everyone to access the complete mind body spirit connection. 

Faced with my own health challenges and committed to a holistic lifestyle I continue to learn and grow. My personal journey has given me insight to common issues such as addiction, healthy habits, mindset and depression. 

I have had a wide variety of professional and life experiences - graduating with a business degree I pursued a career in the corporate worlds of accounting, finance, banking, advertising, publishing and healthcare. In 2016 I stepped away from the daily operations in the family business and in a serendipitous series of events, I enrolled and completed my qualification to become a Remedial Massage Therapist. At the time I had no idea how this would change my life. 

In Karmik Therapies, I hope to connect, inspire, motivate and support you in your healing journey. 

  • Bachelor Commerce

  • Dip. Remedial Massage

  • Qigong Instructor

  • McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release® Practitioner and Instructor